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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What is Adobe Experience Platform?

Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) is Adobe’s suite of analytics products that allow for real-time personalization and user interaction to create highly personalized, digital experiences.

Person using their laptop at a table with papers
What is Adobe Experience Platform?
Person using their laptop at a table with papers

Why do you need Adobe Experience Platform?

Customers have come to expect personalized digital experiences when they visit a website. This means that businesses need to be able to rapidly capture and interpret the data that will allow them to identify the most appropriate content to serve to the user. In a best-case-scenario, the data collection, analysis, and application would be done in real-time. Using technology, real-time processing, and machine learning is unquestionably one of the best ways to deliver impactful personalized experiences that will shape how your customers interact with your business.

In today’s world, a seamless digital experience is critical to customer engagement and loyalty.

Effectively putting your data to good use can help you recoup your investment in cutting-edge technology while delivering brand-differentiating experiences for your customers and building brand loyalty.

How does it work?

AEP uses four tools to collect, process, interpret, and utilize customer data:

Customer Journey Analytics (CJA): Enables data analysis across multiple channels, including offline, allowing businesses to form a comprehensive picture of the customer’s journey while also identifying critical user data.

Real-time Customer Data Platform (RTCDP): Brings together real-time data from multiple sources that is used to create customer profiles.

Adobe Sensei: Artificial intelligence that aggregates and processes the collected data to create user profiles and demographic personas that are used to identify which content will be the most timely and effective for the user’s journey.

Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO): Allows companies to deliver connected and contextual experiences to their users, with the goal of ensuring that the customer’s journey through the website is optimized specifically for their needs at the time.

While each of these tools can be used independently, together, they are each one facet of Adobe’s machine to deliver real-time personalization. Each of these platforms is responsible for one of the necessary aspects of personalization: data collection (CJA and RTCDP), data processing/interpretation (Sensei), and content delivery (AJO). AEP allows businesses to create exceptional user experiences that can help shape how users see and value their brand.

How Rightpoint can help you

AEP is relatively new to Adobe Experience Cloud, and given its newness, it can be hard for many businesses to identify how to use it most effectively with their marketing initiatives. However, our team has been trained in how to implement and use AEP to help businesses begin to navigate the foreign territory of digital personalization.

Our team not only specializes in AEP implementations, but they can also consult with your business to help you identify the data that your business needs to effectively add personalization to your digital marketing strategy. Additionally, they can help train your team in how to use each of these tools and ensure that they are customized to the unique needs of your business.

Rightpoint has the experience and expertise to support you as your business embraces personalization and evolves its marketing strategy to start using AEP.