In today’s competitive environment, content is king. Sharing relevant content is an effective way to bring in leads, nurture relationships, and cement a company as an industry expert.
Wipfli, a tax, audit, and advisory company, had the content, but it wasn’t user-friendly or reaching the full potential of its reach or engagement. Instead of being a powerful way to showcase the brand’s expertise and knowledge, the resource center was clunky and ineffective.
Wipfli engaged Rightpoint to establish a new vision for its website that drives engagement and readership and easily showcases Wipfli’s many applications.
Taking a strategic view enabled Wipfli and Rightpoint to partner to ensure the main challenges were articulated in the vision and delivered by the final solution.
Through a rapid research and visioning phase, Rightpoint identified that:
Wipfli lacked a robust search function for its extensive library of articles, blogs, videos, and podcasts, leaving users struggling to find relevant content. Instead of engaging with the content or searching by content type or industry, users rarely read more than one piece before exiting the site. Wipfli needed a usable content hierarchy.
Wipfli needed a way to create industry-specific content landing pages to showcase its work for potential clients, such as highlighting a page of healthcare-related content for a healthcare conference.
The internal process for writing and posting content was cumbersome, and Wipfli wanted to bring more attention to its content authors and their areas of expertise.
Even with the desire to encourage content discovery and increase user engagement, Wipfli was concerned that updating the resource center could negatively impact its thousands of pages and valuable content.
However, after working with Rightpoint on other development projects and building a partnership, Wipfli turned to Rightpoint to transform its resource center and migrate the content. Wipfli was impressed by Rightpoint’s digital acumen, design capabilities, and strategic focus and knew they would be a trusted partner and advisor for this massive undertaking.

Launching a large-scale content migration required a well-thought-out strategy. The Rightpoint team started by thoroughly examining the current content and creating a plan to organize and migrate it.
The early stages also required understanding Wipfli’s confines and constraints. Rightpoint had to work within Wipfli’s current search capabilities, which required creativity to guide the user through content without relying on search. Rightpoint’s innovative solution was to guide users to relevant content through creative filtering and content tagging.
With a clear understanding of Wipfli’s goals and vision, the Rightpoint team could work effectively for a total content transformation within a short timeframe.
The Rightpoint team swiftly moved through the following process:
Identify content types. With thousands of content pages ranging from blogs and ebooks to videos across numerous industries, the project began by identifying the types of content to know what they were working with and how to handle each type of content.
UX and design phase. The Rightpoint Design team was involved early in creating a website design that matched Wipfli’s brand and the rest of its web presence while guiding users to relevant content.
Identify components to build. With the general design created, Rightpoint identified what components of the resource center it needed to build. Rightpoint streamlined the content hierarchy to make it clear to users what type of content they are clicking on.
Iterated through components. Because Wipfli’s content crosses numerous industries, Rightpoint created new features for every industry and content type, building an organized and consistent taxonomy that allows users and authors to find exactly what they need and sort aligned content.
Content migration in parallel. To make the process as efficient as possible, Rightpoint migrated multiple content types at once. This allowed for faster results with little downtime to the existing content.
Aside from simply migrating content, Rightpoint took extra steps to ensure a smooth content creation and posting process for Wipfli moving forward. Wipfli expressed a desire to significantly reduce manual changes or updates to its content and to avoid manual content work as much as possible. Rightpoint’s Development team implemented changes so Wipfli didn’t have to do anything manually. Rightpoint also automated the tagging of blog posts so Wipfli could adjust and rearrange the content in the future to create specific pages or industry-centric landing pages. The content pages Rightpoint created can be reused for future content and remain in the new taxonomy, giving Wipfli flexibility to mix and match content for its future needs.
After weeks of strategic work, development, and design, Rightpoint migrated over 2,500 pieces of content with no issues or manual intervention. The team kept the page details with each piece of content, ensuring none of the previous content or work was lost — an incredible feat in a short amount of time.

The new resource center has transformed how Wipfli users engage with content and created a more engaging experience to showcase Wipfli’s incredible range of content. Where the old version was clunky and disconnected, the new resource center is easily filterable and engaging, using clickable tags and filters to encourage users to consume more content.
The initial response has been incredibly positive, both internally and externally, and led to a significant improvement in user engagement. Users are spending more time and moving between more content pieces.
The transformation also significantly improved the internal process for smoother content authoring. Content creators and authors can now easily create and share content, especially with the automation features and organized taxonomy. Authors are highlighted on each piece, adding credibility to Wipfli’s subject matter experts and directing users to their other publications.
This project marked the first time incorporating Rightpoint’s Design team into development, starting a collaborative relationship and expanding the potential of Rightpoint's offerings. After the successful project, which was delivered free of any major disruptions and within the target timeframe and budget, Wipfli is exploring future projects with Rightpoint and looking to continue the relationship.
The project lead at Wipfli summed up the experience: “…Seamless delivery. We were prepared and expected more disruptions, but there were none. A big thank you to the entire Rightpoint team!”