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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Why AI Search & Generative Answering Is Key to Digital Marketing Objectives

For CMOs, their digital marketing objective is clear: grow revenue. Here’s how AI search and generative answering are key to this goal.

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Why AI Search & Generative Answering Is Key to Digital Marketing Objectives
A woman sitting at her desk looking at a computer monitor with a plant in the forefront

This blog post was originally published on

For CMOs, the ultimate digital marketing objective is clear: grow revenue.

But achieving this goal requires a digital marketing strategy that involves more than just driving website traffic — it’s also about what happens next. You’re investing significant time and resources into creating great content and executing outbound campaigns to capture your target audience’s attention.

But once you have them, what’s the inbound marketing experience like? Are you truly helping people find what they need? Are you earning their trust by providing personalized, relevant experiences that guide them toward conversion?

Simply bringing people to your digital channels isn’t enough. To grow revenue, you need to ensure that, once they arrive, they can easily find the content or products they’re looking for, discover new and relevant information, and feel that their experience is tailored to their unique needs. This is where AI-enhanced digital experiences become a game-changer.

As two industry leaders, Sheila Morin, CMO at Coveo, and Neil Dowling, CMO at Rightpoint, discuss, the right search strategy can transform how you capture, engage, and convert your audience — ultimately driving revenue growth.

CMO Priorities: Driving Revenue Growth

At the heart of every CMO’s agenda is the need to drive revenue growth. This is the ultimate measure of success, and every digital marketing strategy, campaign, and tool must align with this business goal.

As Sheila puts it, “Our role as marketers in a B2B organization is to bring the pipeline to the team so that they go and drive bookings. It’s about knowing our ideal customer profile (ICP) and ensuring they know we exist and how we can solve their pain points.”

This focus on driving revenue necessitates a shift in how marketers approach the customer experience (CX). The ability to attract, engage, and convert prospective customers hinges on delivering personalized, relevant experiences — something that AI, particularly in the realm of search, can significantly enhance.

How AI Search Can Help: Digital Marketing Excellence at Scale

Personalization at scale is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a critical capability that can make or break a marketing strategy. AI-powered tools enable CMOs to deliver tailored experiences to each customer, improving engagement and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Neil emphasizes this point, noting, “AI takes personalization to a level beyond what we ever imagined. The content creation and personalization cycle is now faster and more effective, allowing us to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.”

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This capability is particularly powerful when integrated into search, where AI can analyze user behavior and preferences to offer highly relevant content and product recommendations instantly, supporting a multitude of user journeys.

Statistics support this approach. According to a Salesforce study, 76% of consumers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations. AI-enhanced search can help your marketing team meet these expectations by delivering personalized experiences that drive customer engagement and, ultimately, revenue growth.

Who Owns the Customer Experience? Everyone

While personalization is crucial, it’s equally important to consider the broader CX. In many organizations, CX responsibilities are spread across various departments. These siloed teams and tools creates a fragmented experience for both a potential customer and long-time buyer.

As Neil points out, “Often, what you might see is that marketing owns customer experience, but inside an organization, you might have high-touch moments for customers owned in a very different place and run to very different metrics.”

This disjointed approach can harm the overall experience and, by extension, your pipeline. Sheila adds, “We need to see the experience as the sum of all interactions, not just the ones we own in marketing. Every time a customer interacts with any department, it’s part of the experience, and it needs to be connected and coherent.”

AI-powered search can play a crucial role in bridging these gaps. By providing a unified view of customer interactions across all touchpoints, search ensures that every interaction is informed by previous engagements, leading to a more seamless and satisfying experience — as well as showing up as one consistent brand. This total experience approach is essential for maintaining a strong pipeline and driving consistent revenue growth.

Why Search Should Not Be Overlooked: Your Pipeline Could Depend on It

Despite its importance, search is often overlooked by CMOs as a key driver of pipeline success. As Sheila notes, “Search is the most overlooked asset in CX. It’s the unplayed piano in the living room — an opportunity you have that you should use because it’s where your customers go to ask anything.”

AI-enhanced search goes beyond simply finding information; it captures customer intent, provides personalized recommendations, and even starts meaningful conversations. This capability is critical in guiding potential customers through the funnel and converting them into loyal clients.

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Ignoring the power of search can mean missing out on significant opportunities to nurture and close leads, directly impacting your revenue goals.

Content Quality Is Key for Achieving Marketing Goals

As AI continues to shape how we interact with customers (and especially generative AI), the quality of content delivered through search as part of your digital marketing plan becomes increasingly important.

Neil highlights a key consideration: “With AI, you get so much more data based on your content. But if the content isn’t of high quality, AI can only do so much. You need strong, accurate content to fuel your AI models and deliver the right information to your customers.”

Sheila agrees, noting that content gaps can significantly hinder the effectiveness of AI-driven strategies. “We’re seeing customers using search and generative AI to find content gaps. This is crucial because if your AI is delivering the wrong information, it can damage your brand and hurt your pipeline.”

Ensuring that your content marketing is relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with customer needs is essential for maximizing the impact of AI and search.

By focusing on content quality, you can ensure that your AI tools have the best possible material to work with, leading to better customer experiences and stronger pipeline results.

Fear of Missing Out and Fear of Messing Up: Advice from CMOs

As AI and generative AI become more prevalent, many CMOs feel the pressure to adopt these technologies into their marketing strategy quickly. However, this can lead to a “fear of missing out” (FOMO) and, conversely, a “fear of messing up” when implementing new tools. Both Sheila and Neil offer practical advice for navigating this landscape.

“Start somewhere and start now,” Sheila advises. “There’s a lot of anxiety around making mistakes, but you don’t have to do it alone. Work with partners who have experience and can guide you through the process.”

Neil echoes this sentiment, adding, “There’s no right or wrong answer as long as you’re within the bounds of compliance and risk. Experiment, learn, and scale from there.”

The key is to begin with a small, manageable project — whether it’s improving search functionality, personalizing content, or refining the CX — and then scale your efforts as you gain confidence and see results. By taking a measured approach, you can harness the power of AI without overwhelming your team or jeopardizing your pipeline.

Three Steps to Getting Started with Generative Experiences

For CMOs, the pressure to achieve a marketing goal like driving revenue growth is immense; thankfully, the technology needed is available to help conquer these goals.

Based on the conversation with Sheila and Neil, here are three steps to getting started using AI to improve the total experience:

Step 1. Start Small, but Start Now

“As a CMO, you know that timing is everything. With AI, the key is to get started — no matter how small the initial steps may be. Whether it’s piloting AI in a specific customer journey, optimizing a campaign, or enhancing one part of your digital experience, the important thing is to begin now. Your competitors are already moving, and delaying could mean falling behind. AI’s landscape is vast, but starting today will give you the insights and momentum needed to stay ahead.”

Step 2. Break Down Silos to Deliver a Cohesive Experience

“One of the biggest opportunities AI offers is the ability to unify experiences across all touchpoints. Right now, different departments might be running their own AI initiatives, but the real power comes when these efforts are integrated. Think beyond departmental boundaries and connect AI across customer service, e-commerce, and marketing. This cohesive approach not only enhances the customer experience but also ensures consistency and relevance at every stage of the journey. Your customers don’t see silos, and with AI, neither should your strategy.”

Step 3. Leverage AI to Personalize at Scale and Optimize Content

“Personalization is no longer just a buzzword — it’s a baseline expectation. AI allows you to deliver truly personalized experiences at scale, helping you to meet and exceed customer expectations. Beyond personalization, AI can help you identify content gaps, optimize your content distribution, and continuously refine your approach based on real-time data. By leveraging AI, you’re not just creating content — you’re ensuring that every interaction is meaningful and impactful, driving better engagement and stronger business outcomes.”

Listen in to the full conversation here: